You've gotta start somewhere

So a few years ago I started getting into more a more retro style of bikes, and developed a particular interest in 1970s BMW airheads.  I friend of mine had one buried in a shed and whenever I went around there I'd suggest that he should sell it to me.  Anyway, a little before Christmas 2015 I received and email that said "Are you still looking to buy a BMW Boxer as I am now ready to sell mine." so I jumped at the chance.

With one thing or another going on, such as selling the Enfield to make some space, it was actually Feb2016 by the time I took delivery, but I've been working on it since.  Will I be bothered to continue this blog of my build?  I don't know, but I guess we'll see.

Bye bye, 2011 Royal Enfield Bullet 500 EFi
Oil change video

A cold February morning, 2016 - yay, new bike!


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