
Showing posts from 2016

Sticky throttle fixed

So had a problem with the throttle sticking open again the other day so finally got around to putting the right carb in the ultrasonic cleaner (I made a video about the cleaning tank that I linked in another post). While it was better, the throttle still want ideal, so I dismantled both carbs and hand polished the throttle slide with t-cut paste until it looked like new.  Unfortunately i didn't take a picture. I've done around 50 miles since without any problems at all.

Fuel filters

Had to use the reserve fuel tap for the first time recently which resulted in a while lot of rusty crap from the bottom of the tank getting into one of the carbs. The result was the float valve getting stuck open and fuel pissing out of the overflow all over the hot exhaust and my boot. As it happened I was at a busy junction in heavy traffic at the time, so the potential fireball would have made the news! Will get the tank sorted in due course, but in the interim have decided to fit some inline filters.

ultrasonic cleaning tank review

I made a review video of the ultrasonic cleaning tank I bought and used on the carbs


After a few weeks of either riding the CBR or bad weather, I'm back on the case with the BMW. Took the crash bars and exhausts of today to have a look a cleaning them. Managed to snap one of the bolts in the crash bar brackets which will need drilling and tapping, uugh...  The chroming is crap so I think I'll get them powder coated black. Exhausts are stainless so should come up nice, but will take a lot of effort. While it was without it's exhausts I decided to go for a quick ride. It was LOUD, especially as I got stuck at the traffic lights in the railway tunnel near my place!  Did sound awesome though.

Petrol leaks

Had a petrol leak from the right hand carb, and then as soon as that was fixed, the same problem on the left (suspect the balancer hose increased the right carb pressure when the left one was fixed). Once the fuel tap was on petrol was just draining straight out of the overflow. I removed the float bowl, tapped the float pivot bar out with a micro screwdriver and removed the floats. Removed the float valve next and found out covered in sticky gunk and grit (I suspect that it's old fuel that was left standing) on the valve and in its seat. Cleaned the valve and used some 2000 grit to de-gunk the hole so the valve runs smoothly again. Reassembled, problem solved. Exact same problem with the other carb fixed the same.

Second carb cleaned

Airbox covers, fuel balanced hose and air filter missing

First ride

Been out for a ten minute ride. Awesome!

Shiny carb

Right hand carb looking much better, although still leaking fuel on occasion. Might need a full rebuild rather than a strip down and clean. Bike is ticking over nicely with no choke now, although that might be down to the warm weather. Got a leak in the fuel balanced hose after today's efforts but they're all perished and need replacing anyway.

Number plate and mirrors

Had a couple of bits turn up this week that I think I'll need for the MOT, new number plate and mirrors. The existing number plate was clearly made in the days before laser printing and advanced plastics as water had got into it and the ink had run.  I thought I was going to need the V5 doc (still waiting for the DVLA), but I was able to buy one on eBay with a disclaimer that I was not to use it for anything illegal...  I was worried that it was going to be crap, but when it turned up it was great.  5 minutes with the drill to put some mounting holes in and I was done. I also received as set of used mirrors to replace the knackered ones that came with the bike.  I only need them for an MOT (I'll get some nice ones later), so I bought some from a guy on eBay.  He described them as "Bought for an R65 but wouldn't fit around master cylinder, would probably fit an R60" - they we £10 so I figured I'd give them a go.  They're actually Japanese and have a lef...

Master cylinder refurb kit

Resolved the leaking master cylinder problem, more on that later.

Brake lever

Thought it would be a good idea to give the front brake a full strip down and service and I'm glad I did.  In order to get to the cable section I had to take off the front brake lever and discovered a huge crack through the pivot hole that I'm confident would have failed had I ever needed to use it in anger

New battery + first start

Tried to get a charge in the battery that came with the bike last week and discovered that it's completely dead.  I ordered a new one that arrived during the week and got around to installing it today.  When I opened up the package it came with 1 liter of battery acid which I though would be plenty, but when I poured it in, it only came to half full. Not knowing if half full was bad for batteries I decided to take it to the local bike shop (usually avoid these guys - NOT cheap) who thought it was a battery for a car initially, but put an additional liter of acid in for me anyway - it cost £4 which I was pretty pleased with to be fair to them. Old battery - WD40 can for scale Once the battery was filled and charged it fitted with no problem and after a LOT of cranking the bike fired and ran for a short time!!

Close ups

Some pictures from the first weekend when it stopped raining long enough to go outside Suspension spider seeks new home Always fancied a beemer Hubs, spokes and rims looking a little grubby.  Disc and tyre in surprisingly good condition I remember these Aircooled! Rusty Rockers, now that takes me back Mmm, shiny (once) What was I doing back in 1997? Mmm, oily

You've gotta start somewhere

So a few years ago I started getting into more a more retro style of bikes, and developed a particular interest in 1970s BMW airheads.  I friend of mine had one buried in a shed and whenever I went around there I'd suggest that he should sell it to me.  Anyway, a little before Christmas 2015 I received and email that said "Are you still looking to buy a BMW Boxer as I am now ready to sell mine." so I jumped at the chance. With one thing or another going on, such as selling the Enfield to make some space, it was actually Feb2016 by the time I took delivery, but I've been working on it since.  Will I be bothered to continue this blog of my build?  I don't know, but I guess we'll see. Bye bye, 2011 Royal Enfield Bullet 500 EFi Oil change video A cold February morning, 2016 - yay, new bike!